Our Founder, Cini Robb, Talks About Her Childhood & the Love of a Good Bargain

I grew up in a middle class household when money was always tight. I am a baby boomer and my mother raised us with memories of the Great Depression. Early in her marriage she had to budget .25 cents for a haircut for my father who was a postal worker. Luckily we wore uniforms to school, and I loved hand-me-downs and the hand-sewn clothing that my mom made for me. I knew that she spent hours at the sewing machine and that her work was a labor of love. I can still recall her making clothes for me during the wild rock and roll days of the 60’s, as I wanted my crazy look to be original. She also crafted clothing for me for a trip to Hawaii in my early 20’s!
Mom and I bonded over shopping. Only today have I realized how fashion forward she was and what a classy look she had. At her 25th wedding anniversary celebration, she stunned in a gorgeous silver grey bodice beaded dress with a matching coat. Her beehive hairdo was adorned by pearls.
I don’t ever remember shopping in resale stores, and looking that far back, there probably weren’t any. However, we rarely bought anything that was not on sale, and it was always a treasure hunt filled with anticipation. We experienced pure joy when we scored that “perfect find.”
I continued this adventure with my best friend Denise in high school, and trust me we did not have the resources to buy retail. We also prided ourselves when we advanced from uniforms during grade school to “civvi” clothes for our high school years. When we could afford a special purchase, it was most always unique, as we set our own style. When “madres” was “in” mom made my dress! We never wanted to be “on trend” (whatever that really means). We wanted to be "the" trend. The skirts and vests mom made me really “rocked.” They were not just one of a kind but very inexpensive to fabricate.
Looking back, I must admit my greatest joy in fashion was when at age 10 my dad (who incidentally NEVER ever shopped) stopped at a Penny’s on the way home from a business outing and bought me a store bought—yes store bought!—dress. PINK DOTTED SWISS VERY GIRL DRESS. Even though I had a tight bond with mom, dad was my everything, and I have never ever forgotten that beautiful pink dress that he braved those scary aisles at Penny’s to buy for his “tiny little girl.” I was probably 75 pounds soaking wet.
Fast forward to 2022. Life has been very, very good to me. After many bumps and curves in the road, I have found myself with the recourses to give back to our world in so many ways. I have heard this saying, "time, treasure and talent" so many times. Yes ma'am: “Treasure” (thank you God), and "Talent" (well that part is debatable) but I do think my talent is optimism, creativity and vision.
I have been blessed with many beautiful “things” and I have donated several items to Wag N' Purr Shop. It gives me great pleasure to edit my closet for Wag's first anniversary, knowing that my donations will raise money for the Face Foundation to save the lives of pets, and to help underserved families with their pet care. I also find great joy thinking about someone else appreciating and treasuring my “things” as much as I have!
Now, as I conclude here, the question of the hour (or you may just be wondering)…..do I still mostly buy on sale and love bargains? Heck yes! I also mostly buy resale! I now know that not only can I get amazing deals but I can recycle “in and out” and in my own small way help save our earth.
In gratitude,
P.S. Happy Shopping!
Your mom sounds so much like mine! Did she sew you one of the plastic mod dresses?😂❤️
Wonderful meeting you today.🐕
Cini – you continue to remain an everlasting inspiration!!! Thank You Thank You for all you do!!! You are the best – truly!!c.xoxo
Cini is the most wonderfully compassionate role model for us all. She “walks the walk” like non other💕💕💕💕💕
I love to shop and better yet to find a good deal.